Friday, June 17, 2011

How Textican got her name Textican

As you may know already I ran into a pretty cool girl at a concert one time and started dating her. She lived in Dallas so it was always driving to see her or her driving to see me. After months of doing this I kind of got tired of the whole thing. She called me up one day after she visited me and was crying her eyes out, something about her family didn't like her seeing a guy like me (I wasn't mexican, non-jehovah witness). For some reason I was pleased with the news, she wasn't. I just replied "Its for the best." That was in 2008(?) Everyday she would blow up my phone with text messages thus the nickname Textican was born. When I say blow up my phone, non stop text messaging without a reply. I was sitting at Thunderbirds house one day and the Textican attacked with more text messages, phone calls. She would mail me mix cds and shoot me e-mails. INSANE. So that nite Thunder & I talked about making a game out of it. Text Messages = 1 point, Electronic Mail = 2, Phone Call = 3, Voice Mail = 4, Street Mail (CDs) = 5 and Drop Ins = Game Over. We used his dry erase board to keep score. I let a handful of friends know about the Textican Game. Two-three days past and we had 22 people with bets on how many points she can rack up in the span of a month. Thunderbird's dry erase bird had the list of people in the game. I think she ended up around 300-350. Here is the sad thing.. .  we played the game twice. That following October we ran the game until Christmas, made the points a different scale and she ended with around 900+ points. She stopped for a while, three months. Just recently (May) she text me about if I bought tickets to a concert or not. I looked at my phone and THOUGHT I came up with a plan that would just end her text messaging for good. I text her "Rex is in the shower." BOOM, that is perfect my "girlfriend" text her! Great idea, the only problem is Textican did not stop one second. She kept texting. "Textican: El Tornado Trecero" might be upon us.

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