Sunday, April 17, 2011

"Who does ecstasy at a Ben Kweller show?"

I was really pumped about this weekend (15-17) because my trip to Dallas to check out a couple of artist. Ben Kweller/Pete Yorn Friday nite then The Avett Brothers Saturday. Come Wednesday it was announced that Avett canceled the show (another baby was on the way). Thunderbird (Jeremy) and I still had the Friday nite show to look forward to. We hit the Granada right around 8 and got a very good spot near the stage. Right when I got in there a text came from the Textican "Are you here?" Now, I am sure most of you know about the Textican but if you do not let me know and I will blog about that one. I do not reply to her. I look up at this huge screen that shows tweets dealing with The Granada and the bands. I see one name that seems familiar, I point it out to Thunderbird and we agree that it is Drunk Nancy, Textican's sister. Two minutes pass and Textican & Drunk Nancy come over. Awkward. Really awkward. I fluffed off the conversation and basically stuck Thunderbird with it, not a first class dude move but it happened. The curtain goes up and the show starts, they left and went back to their area. Ben Kweller was up first, really good show. During the break I head to the bathroom and find text messages from my friend Patricia. I end up bumping into her, said she was in the middle of the pack so I told her where we were located at. Before Pete took the stage Patricia & her friend Rebecca joined us. PG is not the tallest girl so she was able to see the concert where we were. Some chick near us was all about doing X. She was dressed in black & white thus Thunderbird and I refereed to her as Zebra-X. Her and her man were performing "bedroom activities" while standing 3 feet away from us. She was dry humping him & rubbing on herself. Really strange. Lady behind me asked "Who does ecstasy at a Ben Kweller show?" I pointed to Zebra-X who, be this time, was being held up by her beau by her belt loop. Once Pete took the stage, she was out cold. Her carried her out. I am 78% sure she ended up at the hospital. There was another girl drunk off red-bull & fosters doing her best to dance sexy but PG & I agreed she slouches to much. We constantly made fun of her and Zebra-X all the while trying to figure out what type of phone some dude had next to us that took AMAZING pictures (answer: HTC Inspire).  Right before it ended we see Drunk Nancy storm the stage and give Pete a hug and security got her. I liked both acts. Met Yorn after the show, he signed my LP. I said "If you could write your favorite lyric from the album." Stoned of his mind and looked away and said "Sh*t." Apparently his favorite lyric is "It Already Is. . ." Thanks Pete. I mentioned seeing him in Shreveport at the Horseshow. He looked confused and replied "The f***in' casino?" I just nodded my head and walked off. Thunderbird & I get in the car and make our way to my brothers place. At some point Thunderbird says something like "The girl in the red shirt dancing (aka The Sloucher) was good looking." Then adds that Drunk Nancy was better looking then the last time. I still cannot believe the Textican & Drunk Nancy saw us. Going to bed at my brothers my phone lights up, a text from Textican "Marry me.You're so handsome." Overall this is the 5th time she has proposed to me. I did not reply.


  1. JIM- this life you live is too wild for me to keep up with. I don't know who Textican is. But I feel I should know. This is important to the story. Also Drunk Nancy. Thank you for posting. Very amusing!

    Emily Nycum
