Monday, May 2, 2011

The Lock-Out

It was my day off and it was freezing cold on February 1st of this year. I decide to take a shower around 4:15. I head to the bathroom put down my iPhone and start a Band of Horses playlist. I take my shirt off while the dogs were sitting by the back door. I noticed that my Uncle & his friend were gone for the day (they are remodeling my parents house) so I crack open the back door to check if the gate was closed. I couldn't tell from where I was at so I opened the door and went onto the porch to make sure. McFearless (one of the dogs) was trying to get out so I shut the door. The gate was closed so I headed back in side but the door was locked. I was locked out of my house wearing nothing but sweatpants and socks. It was a hot 19 degrees outside. This is the same week it snowed in Shreveport. I had no clue what to do. I could call someone BUT my phone is on the bathroom counter. I figured I would go around to the front door, Uncle Gary hardly ever locks it. I opened the gate and stepped in a puddle of ice cold water. Great now I have wet socks. I hate wet socks. I make my way to the front door saying a small prayer. It too was locked. I thought about going to my car to grab a jacket but then I realized I did not have any keys. As cars passed down the street I stood on my doorstep shirtless freezing. I honestly thought about walking to my grandparents, they live about three blocks away. Not that great of an idea once I really thought about it. I decided to head to the back yard and sit until my mom came home (5:30-45). Passing the garage I remembered that I use to be able to shimmy under the door. So I tried it again. It worked. Once inside I went straight to the door that lead to the kitchen. This door is always locked and today was no exception. Locked! I grabbed a hammer and started smacking the door knob but thought it was a horrible idea. I tried doing everything to unlock this door but it wasn't happening. After twenty minutes I gave up. Cleaning off a place to sit I find a box of rocks I remembered collecting back when I was nine or ten. Under the rocks was more of my youth. BASEBALL CARDS. I started flipping through them. Kirby Puckett, Jeff Blauser and others. Stack by stack I went through them. I noticed at one point two baseball cards were as thick as a credit card. I put two of them together and thought what the heck, I might be able to jimmy the lock on the door. With the help of Gary Gaetti & Barry Larkin's baseball cards I was able to break into the house. Thank you guys. I got in and looked at the clock, it was 4:50. That my friends is The Lock-Out.

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